Find the best time and room for your courses while respecting student requirements, and both instructor and space constraints.
Use course demand analytics to support student progression and retention.
Quality schedules encourage degree completion. Our Course Demand Analytics provides visibility over how well your schedule fits the planned student progression.
A collaborative scheduling platform maximizing operational and scheduling efficiency.
Satisfy the needs of the many diverse stakeholders and participants in your scheduling process. Enhance departmental section planning and ease central scheduling bottlenecks with the proper distribution of responsibilities to the right people. Manage your course and room scheduling operations with a complete set of sophisticated tools. Your scheduling function is demanding; demand the right set of tools to perform at your best.
As the number of online offerings increase, leverage the use of virtual rooms while allowing for travel time between online and in-class course offerings. Rich reporting tools and validations to ensure the best online experience for your students and staff.
Use institutional space efficiently while respecting departmental priorities and preferences through a powerful room assignment algorithm that matches the enrollment and space requirements of course offerings to the appropriate rooms.
Infosilem | Berger-Levrault is a suite of scheduling software recognized by higher education institutions for over 30 years. Our software enables colleges and universities to produce better student and faculty schedules, while optimizing campus operations and resources. The solutions enable automated and simplified creation of course and exam schedules while efficiently managing all event bookings throughout the campus.
Berger-Levrault’s professional services team is there to support you: from helping to define your needs, to configuring the software, to ensuring it is fully adopted by users. Our subject matter experts are ready to help you drive efficiency and give you better control and greater visibility over your operations.